Epic games download speed is slow
Epic games download speed is slow

epic games download speed is slow

is a channel providing useful information about learning, life, digital marketing and online courses …. But as shown above, it has nothing to do with the size of files being sent in a single session.Why do fortnite updates take so long This is a topic that many people are looking for. Most consumer routers come with an MTU size of 1472 to account for the 28 bytes of overhead = 1500 MTU to avoid fragmentation. The only problem that could increase overhead is if your MTU size is set too small on your router, switch, or NIC which causes the packet to be fragmented into multiple smaller parts which does increase overhead due to reduced transmission efficiency. Overhead would not be any different because you are still sending a bunch of 1500 byte packets during a single session.

epic games download speed is slow epic games download speed is slow

And since you can verify checksums very quickly on smaller files, if a single file is corrupt (as is often the case over Internet connections with high packet loss) then you can send that one file again rather than the entire series of files. On the other hand, if there are 10,0000 1MB files, once the initial network session is established you don’t need to reestablish a new session after each file has been transferred so there is no increase of overhead. The problem is if you just send one big 10Gb file and the checksum fails (the file is corrupt) then you have to resend the ENTIRE 10Gb file from scratch. The session starts with a SYN and sends ACKs after each packet is received (up to your maximum supported MTU size in this case ~1500 bytes) until the 10Gb is completed and sends a FIN at which point the application understands the entire file has been transferred and does a Checksum to ensure that the file isn’t corrupted.

epic games download speed is slow

In your example, again assuming that TCP is in use, the network doesn’t wait until the entire 10Gb file is set to verify receipt. Whether a file is sent as one big file or a bunch of little files it is still sent as a series of ~1500 byte packets during a single TCP session (assuming FTP or some other connection oriented protocol). With all due respect, what you wrote is incorrect.

Epic games download speed is slow