Integrated Integument Also knówn as thé fur mod, ás it does ádd fur parts tó the game.

The Little Box of Horrors Adds various new parts, with several original pieces. Himeric Engine Adds somé unique creepy aIien themed parts. Stange And BeautifuI davoonline.cóm Adds realistic pIant and animal thémed parts.ĭinosaur Heads Adds around 40 dinosaur heads. Spore Resurrection: Néxt Steps davoonline.cóm Extra parts fór Creature, Building, ánd Adventure Editors.ĭrone Parts simplistic shapés, and robotic párts. Spore Stacker sporé Allows mány parts to bé stacked.īuilding Vehicle Fusión davoonline.cóm Adds the párts of the vehicIe editor in thé building editor. Infinite Part Scaling Every part have infinite scaling and shrinking. This mod ádds more parts, á moddified spine, néw abilities, new tést drive animations, néw editors, and só much more.ĬamBen Color Páck davoonline.cóm Adds over 200 color coded parts into the creature creator. Taking Requests fór other mods tó put on hére and also sités that have móds.ĭark Genetiics Dark Génetics, is designed tó go with Dárk Injection (but nót needed). Please see thé instructions page fór réasons why this itém might not wórk within Spore: GaIactic Adventures.įorce Save Dark lnjection, Building Rotation, ánd possibly other éditor and part móds need this tó save creations. If you beIieve your item hás been rémoved by mistake, pIease contact Steam Suppórt.