Contoh aplikasi sistem pakar
Contoh aplikasi sistem pakar

The methodology applied in designing, developing, and implementing. The project was conducted from March to September 2009. The development and implementation of the system were carried out at Indonesian Assessmetn Institute for Agricultural Technology (IAIAT) of West Sumatera Province and Universitas Putra Indonesia, Padang. To help them in making prompt decission, a user friendly tool need to be developed. Whether it is mechanically, biologically, and chemically. In consequence to the technology applied to control it is not appropriate. The main problem in controlling it is that far mers a nd ext ension workers a re difficult to promptly diagnose the types of main pest infecting the plant in the field. Therefore, it needs to be controlled properly. Div data-canvas-width="358.7930270399999">Pest infestation to soybean plant results in yield losses up to 80%.

Contoh aplikasi sistem pakar